July 22, 2008

Baseball, baseball and more baseball

Ok, so we are pretty big on baseball in our house.....Miguel a little more than me, but I still enjoy a good game. We went to Cincy to visit while my cousin Joe was in from Washington. We took advantage of seeing several Cincinnati Reds games while we were there.

Miguel's sister Claudia came up from New Orleans because the Reds were playing a series against the Mets. She is very good friends w/the Mets first base coach, so it was really fun for her to see him. (Not to mention he is very generous and gave us the hook up!)

Some baseball pics....the grounds crew doing their job to Y.M.C.A.....funny, huh?!?


We had a great time....all 3 games we went to!

How are they so darn photogenic....sick!

Ben thoroughly enjoying some chocolate ice cream.

Ice cream and Gyros w/Joe and the kids.

We celebrated Mom's birthday a little early, since everyone was in town. Happy Birthday!

We were also lucky enough to go the Louisville slugger museum w/Joe and Claudia. Joe got a personalized bat while we were there.

As you can see, we had a great time! Thanks everyone for everything....Andy and Corrie for letting us crash at their house....Mom, Rach, Kevin, kids and Gretch for being so flexible and letting us disrupt everything. We hope everyone had as much fun as we did.


Corrie- said...

What great pics you have! We had a blast with you guys too, come back soon, we have more Office to watch. Andy's mentioning a marathon of sorts...

Claudia said...

I want to say thank you to Andy and Corrie for inviting me into their home, as well as to Sarah’s Mom, Rachel, Kevin, Gretchen, Beth, the little ones and especially to my new BFF Jacob for making me feel so welcome. I’ll be ready for the next match of Outburst!

Mike and Erin Hale said...

I totally miss cincinnati reds games. We even went down to a few when we lived in Columbus. The Twins stink! There's just something about going to a baseball game indoors that just isn't right. It was fun to see pictures of everyone!